Um, yeah, that title has nothing to do with this blog except I felt the need to brag about my killer onion chopping prowess.
The truth is that I was totally going to ditch you guys tonight to get to bed at a reasonable hour. However, I stumbled across a disturbing video while checking out some stuff on Yahoo! and just couldn't resist sharing it. I'm sorry, really I am.
Shall I preface the video? Yes, I shall.
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the Beyonce song, Single Ladies. It's a big hit with Bella so we listen to it everyday over here. This is the video for that song in case you feel the need to familiarize yourself with it. I would have just shared the actual video here but apparently Beyonce is too good to share her stuff so you have to click the link if you care to watch.
Now, for all my confessions, I have never once admitted this here on my blog, but those of you who know me well already know. I love me some Jonas Brothers. But Kevin, Joe and Nick, this might be more than I can take. The imagery in this video is so disturbing that it has all but knocked the haunting rubber band faced Asians snaking their tongues in and out while attempting to eat a marshmellow video that Dione so kindly shared with us.
Without further ado
Once again, I'm sorry. I almost feel bad enough to post another picture of a cute boy.
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7 months ago
I admit, with my head hanging (only slightly), that I too, am a Jonas Bros fan (have been since their first song "Year 3000" hit Radio Disney). This is quite a confession for a Homegirl like myself to make to the general public, although my kids think I'm pretty cool because of it. Missy, Missy, Missy, what have you done? I must say I will never look at Joe the same way again...what was that poor boy thinkin and where was his mother? Will definately not let the daughter see that, she will have nightmares and probable cry for a week, oh how she loves Joe...
BTW, beautiful post yesterday...
Punk, please don't think less of me or be too harsh on the misuse of the commas, oh how I love, love, love to use commas, even if they are not grammatically necessary....
I don't judge. Missy just managed to bring me to my knees with the comma catastrophe. And you don't know how mortified I am that she "outed" me as her proofreader. Every little nit-pick is way, way nit-pickier now because my inner-grammarian is freaking out, saying, "What if someone notices a grammar indiscretion? I'll be flayed alive!"
I love commas too. I use them too much. And not enough, just for stylistic reasons. Then I go back and re-read and put them in and take them out, all willy-nilly. It's how I get my kicks.
Missy, I don't know if I can watch the vid. I'm not a huge fan of the Bros. And the fact that it mortified you makes me, frankly, terrified.
But I love you. And I don't judge.
Is there a word that really describes how I feel about that video..... Um no. The kids liked it a lot. Yes, I did let them watch it.And Homegirl, I hope it doesn't give them nightmares. -Jollie Good Mother-
Hi, Missy! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I agree, men should not attempt to dance to Single Ladies.
Missy, sorry i just can't watch those Jonas' so I don't have much to say here. I have a new topic for this page. Instead of pop rock like Jonas how bout 80's Rock! It's just a suggestion!
80's Rock? CHECK
@coach: Indeed... 80's Rockers are a dignified group that would never perform such silly antics. ;-)
\m/ (-_- ) \m/
I always knew that those jonas brothers were a little..."funny". Although, that is omething I would do, only I probably make it even more ridiculous than that. I would have worn a red wig and a fake mustache. I would have wrestled a monkey and eaten the heart of a muskrat, but I would drawn the line at the heels...thats just wierd.
What is also quite disturbing is that they make a leotard in a man's size. Now that we're taking about punctuation, I'm feeling very unsure of myself. In fact, should that apostrophe be there after man? or would you say mans? or mans'? Where's the Prozac? I'm having anxiety now. It probably had something to do with that video!
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