It's Important To Have Goals In Life

While I was out in Canton someone reminded me that I should probably pick up some kind of souvenirs for my kids. What?! Seriously? It's not good enough that I love them? I have to buy them more crap too?

So being the financially savvy girl I am (read cheap) I decided that my best plan of action was to give my kids the free gifts handed out at our "exclusive" tailgate parties. The first day they gave us snazzy dish towels with a plastic graphic that said "NFL Hall of Fame" and the second day they gave us visors. My kids loved them. I know right? Kids don't know any better.

I gave Braden his visor and he popped it on his head right away and said, "Would you wike a Mocha Watte?" I attempted to recreate this awesomeness on video and ended up ordering a Grape Latte instead. mmm, yummy.

Bella recently informed me that she has changed her mind about what she wants to be when she grows up. Originally she wanted to be Elverina, a female Elvis impersonator. We had big dreams. Lately though she's decided that she would rather start a rock band. She'll sing lead and she's begun considering who she would like to put in her band. It's a process.

For a little fun this weekend, put on your party pants and answer this question.

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?


The Football Wife said...

I wanted to start my own business on Sesame Street & sing the ABCs in Spanish with furry monsters. Seriously.

coach said...

I wanted to be a sports athlete. Now I just watch. GO BILLS!

Unknown said...

I wanted to be a governmental interpreter...Im such a dork
Or is it a nerd then...

Punk said...

I wanted to be an artist. That lasted a good long time. Right until my practical side sprouted. Then I wanted to be an art teacher. Funny how I ended up with a degree to be an English teacher, isn't it?

What did you want to be, Missy? You never said.

Mr. Punk said...
