Last Thursday after I spent the day hanging out with my OBGyn, I was feeling less than cheery. So when Braden cried for someone to snuggle him so he could sleep, I let Bella climb into his bed to snuggle him. They played in his bed for two hours before they fell asleep. I didn't shush them or threaten to separate them if they didn't lay down and go to sleep. I just sat down the hall from them and enjoyed listening to them play. It gave me the warm fuzzies for sure. After they fell asleep, I couldn't resist but to snap their picture. Siblings are a gift.Periodically during my childhood my parents would remind Punk, Birdie and I that our friends weren't as important as the relationship we had together. That even when all those friends were gone we would still have each other. Obviously my kids are too small to understand that concept but the bond between them is undeniable. While I feel pretty confident that they won't be sending each other pictures of hot guys to cheer each other up during the rough times, I am confident that they will never let the other suffer or laugh alone.
Family is awesome that way.
I'm headed to the midnight showing of HP6. All that talk about family being there for you and Punk won't even bother to drive the 16 hours it would take to go to the movies with me. At least I can count on Homegirl. I knew she would come through.
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5 months ago
amen! well said. makes me want to hug my brother. oh wait when we get together i can't keep my hands off of him lol.
those kids are my favorite two people on the planet.
Perfect picture....those two are truly the best of friends and basically the cutest kids on the face of the earth i must say. I wish I could go to see Harold Potter but someone has to get up at 6:05 and go to work so I can't go till you take me on a date. Peace my peeps!
So sweet! I love sleeping children!
Not weak at all...your kids look like little angels sleeping...
Thanks for hangin with me tonight!
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