In yesterday's post I mentioned the shrieking eels. It was a gratuitous Princess Bride reference. I even spent an embarrassing amount of time looking for a clip to show those of you who didn't understand the reference. I failed to find one but digging through all the clips reminded me how completely awesome this movie is.
I admire writer's who can come up with such amazing nonsense. I sometimes wonder what was going on when someone blurted out a line like, "He's been mostly dead all day."
If you've never seen this movie, I hurt for you. I urge you, nay, I strongly urge you to get your hands on a copy and watch it post haste. Once you've seen it life will begin to come together for you. All your days will be bright and shiny except for when it rains because rain is important for survival.
As for the rest of you, I'm curious to know. What is your favorite part?
Since I have used the words nay and post haste I think it is obvious that I should be sleeping.
Goodnight, Sleep well, I'll mostly likely kill you in the morning.
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5 months ago
There's nothing like a nice MLT. A Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomatoe. :) One of, not only mine, but most of my siblings, favorite movies. We often quote from it ourselves.
I love the part with Miracle Max and his wife. "Miracle Max: Get back, witch.
Wife: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more."
Also, who could not love the AS YOU WISH part where she just literally throws herself down the hill instead of trying to walk or run down it. Obviously throwing yourself down a hill is a much faster approach.
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!"
And I have one last word that I love in this movie. HUMPERDINK! Seriously?! I love this movie...
How could I forget?!?!?!..........
Tonymontana11484's favorite quote:
"There's something i ought to tell you....
I'm not left handed either"
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Rob Reiner's deadpan comedies. If you liked "The Princess Bride" you might also like his "This is Spinal Tap" film.
I do find both of them hilariously quotable though. More funny to read/quote than to watch to me.
"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours."
"Bye-Bye, boys! Have fun stormin' the castle!"
Omigosh, I stinking love this movie.
"I do not think that means what you think it means."
Mrs. Birdie I'm with you with the "Humperdink," particularly the part with Miracle Max and Valerie when she chases him around the table in their feeble old-people toddle going, "Humperdink. Humperdink-Humperdink-Humperdink!"
Mr. Punk, why do we not own this movie? Yes, you hate it, but you hate Monty Python too, and we own that... I'm just saying...
"Stop rhyming and I mean it!"
"Anybody want a peanut?"
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