That snow storm I told you about. It took out my Internet, my phone and my cable. In other words, I suffered greatly at its hand.
I realize that almost every other local friend of mine was without power or heat, but guys, put on a sweater and suck it up. I had NO INTERNET. Excuse me for a moment while I weep.
Thanks for not staring.
The only time I had Internet all day yesterday was at McDonald's. I took my cousin down there to pick up a hot tea for my aunt and then I made him sit in the lobby and stare off into space while I frantically checked e-mail and twitter. It's not like I'm addicted. The shakes were only because I was cold. So cold without the Internet.
I'd like to say that I learned a deep and powerful lesson from my time without my bestie (love you, Internet), but I didn't. I did catch up on my sleep though, so there is that.
Oh my gosh, this is why I blog at night. If you guys could hear the noise coming from my children...
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3 months ago
Oh I feel your pain.
We had a city wide black out on the weekend no phone, no internet, no lights, no internet, no heat.
I understand the feeling of being lost and not knowing what's going on.
Glad you are back up and running.
Sleep is the second best thing in life (after the Internet). If I'm not on the Internet, I'm sleeping. So it was a little mini "win" for you.
I want to say that all this is the weatherman's fault.
I'm so glad you didn't have to suffer longer. This could have been tragedy upon tragedy! Don't take in too much at one time, your system may not be able to handle it. Baby steps.
I wuv Robbut. Ahem. Robert. I dig that kid.
Dude, without internet! Last night, I was all "Beth didn't get online tonight or blog" and Bryan was all "Isn't her internet out?" and I was all "oh, right, duh." And then I came up with this awesome plan to prove my love by first texting to see if you had internet, then IMing, then tweeting. But you woke up before me. So...
I'm glad you made it.
I lose it without my internet.
hahaha, I totally know what you felt. The other day, I noticed the free wifi thing at McDonalds, and planned my escape there if my internet is ever out.
I bet this happened because you didn't do a naked snow dance before the storm. I always do naked snow dances when they call for big storms, and have yet to lose my internet this winter. Andrew says not to do it, it doesn't work, blah blah blah public indecency charges. At least the nice elderly gentleman across the street is so encouraging.
You didn't have the INTERWEB???
God help you, I would've started reorganizing the toilet paper display in my bathroom. And by display, I mean I would've taken all the rolls out of the packaging and made fun formations like the cheerleaders do, except I would've added glitter and pesto.
I'm glad you're still alive!
Oh McDonald's. Yes. I know that one well. Just remember, what doesn't kill you...
hot tea @ mcd's? trust me, I have the menu memorized, and our southern mcd's has no hot tea. . .just a little taste of trivia from moi. . .Yes, I understand those withdrawal symptoms well. Mine are typically from cheesecake and chocolate, but to each his vices, right? ; )
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