Before we get started, I'd like to thank each of you that supported me yesterday in my quest for an iPhone/iPod Touch. You had some really quality suggestions to aid me in my arguement, such as talking it over with myself and also letting Matt know that if I had access to the Internet in the bathroom I would be much more efficient at life. Once again, thank you.
So it occured to me today that my blog just turned one and I did nothing to celebrate the occasion. Well actually I launched a brand new look; that the timing of that launch and my blog's birthday happened on the same day was pure coincidence. The blog doesn't need to know that. Let's just make that our little secret. Kind of like my BFF status with Sarah.
Now for those of you who are interested in seeing how it all began, you are welcome to click this link. I warn you to prepare yourself for a riveting post that will transport you to a world of splendor.
Like most bloggers I've spent a good portion of my year trying to figure out how to build a better blog and thus build readership. No one wants to talk to themselves or, at least, we don't want to get caught talking to ourselves. I've mentioned this quest from time to time. Like the time I googled "How to build readership." (I've googled worse. Don't judge me, I strongly suspect that you have too.) The result of my googling was an identity crisis that continued until just this past weekend.
The truth is I still beat myself up about being unfocused. What is the point of this blog? Some people write about cooking or crafts or health and beauty or giveaways. Some write specifically about their families or sports. (Are you beginning to see my lack of focus?) Enter Bryan (my BIL). This weekend, we were driving in the car and the whole identity crisis thing came up, and he said, "You have a focus. It's randominity. You are witty and random and you never know what you are going to get when you check it out. And Trent Edwards." (I might have made up that quote in an attempt to recreate an actual coversation that I couldn't remember verbatim.)
I feel oddly validated. After a whole year of therapy to find myself in the bloggysphere, all my issues have been solved. I might have had to go to Georgia to find myself, but it beats backpacking through Europe. I don't really like to smell bad. Showering is high on my list of priorities.
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7 months ago
stopping by from SITs
nooooooooooo going to Georgia does not beat backpacking in Europe! I am confused as to how this idea came to place. You can shower at hostels! It was wonderful!
haha and I've googled much worse things than that.
And honestly, I went about a year and a half with absolutely NOBODY reading my blog. I had zero comments. It was depressing. (Well, not really, because then it's like you're truly blogging for yourself and can trash talk family members and whatnot.)
It just takes time to get people to read your blog! I personally hate those people who started blogging and already have 300 followers in less than six months. I do not understand how that's possible.
I like to think it's a rite of passage to have no readers and no comments!
I also have no focus. And that's okay. But I feel like when I do write something that's non-typical, like a post with pictures/stories of my nieces/nephew in it, people don't like it. So then I do less of them. (Okay, no, I still write exactly what I want to write. That reminds me about a post I wanted to write. haha)
So yeah. Sorry for the novel and if it doesn't even make sense. I AM EXHAUSTED.
Happy Blogiversary! I'm glad someone could validate your feelings for you because from what I've read over just the last few visits it is completely true, and he is completely right. You are very funny and witty and I, personally, love it!
Focusing on the random is the only way I survive in life! Happy Blogiversary!
One year!! And who needs focus..except to read the blogs.
I love your "focus"- because I can relate!
Randominity - that must be my focus too! I happen to really like random bloggers. Keeps it interesting, you know? ;)
Happy one year to you, girl!
Well, I guess the cat's outta the bag now. (Not my cat; my cat is fine.)
Congrats on your one year mark! One year of randominity is truly admirable.
I tagged you with the Happy 101 award!
This Bryan fellow seems like a pretty keen dude. Your sister must be very, very lucky. ;-)
Randomosity is the new black.
Go with what you know. That's what I do. :)
Sometimes, having a focus can be repetative. I have been blogging about my p90x experience, and even i'm bored! Can't wait until thats over so I can move on! Its always great to visit your blog- I never know what I'm going to get! (ie. box of
Happy 1 year Blogerversary. I love reading blogs that have something of everything. That means that the bloggers are real and write about what pops into their head. That makes for best posts.
Happy anniversary! Stopping by from SITS! I don't think all blogs have to have a focus.
Came over from SITS. I like a fairly random blogger. Keeps me interested!
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